Spiritual Life Coaching , Spiritual Teaching
Reiki Therapy
for Women
Hi there! My name is Ariana Quiñones Cyr and I am certified Spiritual Life Coach and Intuitive Angel Reiki Practitioner.
My purpose is to help women with low self-esteem and limiting beliefs discover their true self-worth and potential!
Show Your True Radiance!
I use life coaching techniques, intuition, and Reiki therapy to uncover what's holding women back from reaching their full potential. I can help you to release blocks, limiting beliefs, and a negative self-image, so that you can thrive instead of just survive, and become the best version of yourself.
Some women define themselves by reflections of past experiences and unkind things others have said about them, instead of seeing themselves for who they truly are: radiant and Divine.
Our happiness lies within and everyone needs help sometimes removing the things that block them. My passion is to help heal women from a pattern of negative self talk and low self-image. True happiness and self-love are already within you. We give this freely to our loved ones, but do we give it to ourselves? We must learn how to love and nurture ourselves to be fully happy.
I am excited to help you find this place of pure potential, where your inner light shines, and to get you to a place where you can reach infinite possibilities!
Book a session with me today so that I can help you change your life for the better, and you can show the world your true radiance.